Notice of FOA 2015 Annual General Meeting

Please join us at THE FRIENDS OF AUCHMAR Annual General Meeting taking place on Thursday October 29, 2015 — 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the Scottish Rite, 4 Queen St. S. Hamilton

Discussion Topic: “Reclaiming The Past!”
“Successful Adaptive-Reuse of the Bell-Gairdner Estate, owned by the City of Mississauga”

Admission is FREE and is open to the general public as well as FOA Members
Everyone is welcome.
Donations gratefully accepted.

Our Panel of Speakers:
Alexander Temporale, ATA Architects Inc., Award of Excellence, Adaptive Reuse, Bell-Gairdner
Julie Mitchell, Facility Manager, City of Mississauga
Lalita Goray, Architect and Project Manager, City of Mississauga

Attention FOA Members: Your Annual Membership is now due (except new members who joined after May 1, 2015).

RSVP — Patricia Saunders:

