
Friends of Auchmar membership is available to any person interested in supporting the restoration and preservation of the Auchmar estate.

FOA Membership flyer – March 2022

Memberships are due on an annual basis and are renewed before or at the Annual General Meeting in October. Five types of membership are available as indicated below. Completion of an Application for Membership form along with a cheque or money order sent to the Membership Co-Ordinator is requested.

Membership Types
Individual $20
Family (2 persons) $25
Organizational $25
Sustaining (Life) $250
Associate Non-Voting – FREE

Click here to view or download the Friends of Auchmar Membership Application Form

Benefits of Membership

  • Members receive information and regular email updates containing information about what our organization is doing on their behalf as well as other heritage preservation and restoration related news, updates and information; and
  • Membership dues provide immediate and unrestricted funds to assist with the costs associated with our public meetings and annual AGM Meeting; and
  • Memberships give people a way to have an intimate, ongoing relationship with our organization; and
  • Members have decision-making role within the our organization i.e. voting for the board at the Annual General Meeting, suggestions for projects, suggestions for speakers, suggestions for board members, suggestions for meeting sites; and
  • Membership reinforces a members’ pride of association by stressing their commonalities; and
  • Members experience a stronger sense of affiliation with the work to save heritage sites from demolition; and
  • Members have a sense of satisfaction knowing that they are making a difference by keeping informed and contacting their councillor and the entire city council and the media regarding the mission of our organization; and
  • Tax benefits – if a donation is given a charitable receipt is provided via our partner Heritage Hamilton Foundation.