October 9, 2014, Hamilton, ON
Diane Dent – President
Robin McKee – Vice-President
Patricia Saunders – Membership Co-Ordinator
John Buchanan – Treasurer
Eric Lootsma – Secretary
John Kajaste – Member-at-large
Doug Farraway – Member-at-large
Call To Order
Diane Dent, Chair, Friends of Auchmar, called the Annual General Meeting to order at 5:15pm on October 9, 2014 at the Scottish Rite in Hamilton, Ontario.
Greetings & Administrative Notices
Diane Dent, President, welcomed members and guests. Made members aware that if they had not yet voted to do so in the foyer.
Monique Taylor, MPP Hamilton Mountain, brought greetings from the Province. She explained that when she first visited Auchmar during Doors Open she knew that it needed to be preserved.
Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting
Eric Lootsma, Secretary, notified members that minutes from the AGM would be emailed and posted on our website. He asked members to email friendsofauchmar@gmail.com if they were not receiving notices.
Minutes from the 2013 Annual General Meeting were read by Eric Lootsma, Secretary, FOA.
Motion to move the 2013 AGM minutes.
Moved by: Eric Lootsma
Seconded by: Robin McKee
None opposed. MOTION PASSED
President’s Report
Diane Dent gave a summary of the ongoings and work that the Executive has been engaged in over the past year. Some highlights include: RFI submission, members meetings, current work at Auchmar, RFP writing and submission, investigation of and Auchmar Land Trust, Concession Street Fest, heritage association events, Norris Podetz’s artwork and thank you to Bob Gill for his website work and Richard Allen for his support as videographer/photographer and RFP editor.
Membership Report
Pat Saunders presented the updated membership list. Currently there are 112 memberships and 146 members. The membership committee was rather dormant this year but took part in a number of community events such as: Concession Fest and Chris Charlton’s Canada Day Picnic.
Executive Elections
Terri Mines, Chair of the Nomination and Election Committee, announced nominated Executive. President Diane Dent, acclaimed, Vice-President Robin McKee, acclaimed, Secretary Eric Lootsma, acclaimed, Membership Coordinator Pat Saunders, acclaimed
Keynote Address
Keenan Louis, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, introduced keynote speaker Jason Thorne. Before doing so he explained that he sees quality of life as the most important indication of economic vitality and that heritage is an integral piece of that.
Jason Thorne, General Manager of Economic Planning and Development for the City of Hamilton, presented an informative talk on city building. He specifically mentioned the importance of heritage in city planning. Further, he noted that he had the opportunity to tour Auchmar and was amazed at the “grandeur” of the estate and grounds.
Lloyd Ferguson, Hamilton Councillor for Ward 12, thanked Jason Thorne on behalf of the FOA. He noted that he helped save the Hermitage building in Ancaster and saw heritage as in important part of city culture.
Closing Remarks
Terry Whitehead, Hamilton Councillor for Ward 8, brought closing remarks. Specifically, he stated that on a recent tour to Europe he realized how important historical building were for cities and their citizens. He has vowed to help protect and preserve Auchmar and keep it in public hands.
With no further business, Diane Dent, President FOA, adjourned the 2014 AGM at 7:30 pm.