Category Archives: Volunteering

Auchmar Manor House – Call for Volunteer Coordinator

Auchmar Manor House - Call for volunteer coordinator

We are looking for a volunteer coordinator to help with organizing and training the volunteers at the Doors Open Hamilton open house at the Auchmar Estate on Saturday May 3rd and Sunday May 4th, 2025. If you are interested in this volunteer position and/or would like more information please reach out by email to

Norris Podetz has passed away

Norris Podetz

Norris Podetz

It is with deep sadness that the Friends of Auchmar Board announces the death of Norris Podetz in July 2021.

Norris was a long time member of the Friends of Auchmar and avid supporter of history and railway heritage.

Many of you will know of and recognize Norris via his artwork and portraits of the Auchmar Estate, the Stables, Grounds and Gatehouse. His contributions, greatly valued by all to Friends of Auchmar meetings and special events, will be missed.

The Friends of Auchmar Board and membership extend deepest sympathy to the Podetz family.

Doors Open Hamilton 2019 – Auchmar Estate – Huge Success

The Friends of Auchmar volunteered at Auchmar Estate during the Doors Open Hamilton weekend (May 4-5, 2019, 10 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Thank you to all members who gave of their time to make Auchmar an interesting visit.

Doors Open Hamilton May 2019
Thank you to the City of Hamilton, Tourism, Culture and Heritage, for opening Auchmar for Doors Open Hamilton and the volunteers who welcomed the public and contributed greatly.

Thank you to the City of Hamilton, Tourism, Culture and Heritage for inviting the Friends of Auchmar to be the official hosts for Auchmar Estate.

Diane Dent, Chair, Friends of Auchmar and Bill King, author of Buchanan of Auchmar provided Jane’s Walk of the Auchmar grounds to over 100 interested Hamiltonians during the weekend.

Doors Open Hamilton May 2019

The visits with Norris Podetz, artist, Bill King, author of Buchanan of Auchmar, Gwen Vasseur and her family and their archive were very well received.

The interviews with Doors Open Hamilton Auchmar Estate guests were a great success.

Doors Open Hamilton May 2019

Over 3,000 people took this rare opportunity to walk the hallways and staircases, the grounds and gardens, listen to stories, view memorabilia, learn of Auchmar’s history, chat with the artist and author, and make it a successful visit.

For more photos and information about the Auchmar Estate and Manor House please visit our Facebook page or the photo galleries on this website.