Tag Archives: Auchmar Estate Sale

Sale of Auchmar Estate On Hold for Six Months

Public organizations will get one more shot at operating Auchmar Estate.
City Councillors voted 12-3 in favour of Councillor Terry Whitehead’s motion to suspend the private sale process and current negotiations with potential buyers of the Auchmar Estate for six months to give residents one more shot at keeping the heritage building in public hands.

Terry Whitehead urged councillors Wednesday to put off any sale negotiations for six months to give a recently formed “roundtable” of concerned citizens and community groups a chance to discuss ways to maintain the dilapidated mansion.

City staff warned they were already negotiating with more than one serious would-be buyer, with inquiries from other “interested parties.”
But Whitehead argued that simultaneously negotiating with buyers while also studying public proposals — the previous council-approved plan — “just muddies the waters.”

Whitehead adds that the best ideas coming out of his brainstorming effort will be included in a staff report to council.

The Ward 8 Councillor argues that separate that public and private processes will benefit all parties involved, by making sure the process does not “muddy the water”.

The Friends of Auchmar suggest a range of possible uses for the sprawling property from community gardens and artist’s lofts to weddings, conferences and public tours.

Read the full story here in the Hamilton Spectator.

Brainstorming Proposed Usage Ideas for the Auchmar Estate

These are ideas for the use of Auchmar which incorporate a continuing and constant public use/access to the manor house, other buildings located on the estate and the grounds of the estate. Also, considered with these ideas is a multi use factor which generates revenue.

They are listed in no priority.

  1. Annual Harvest Dinner: (when the orchards have been picked) Open to public. Certain percentage of revenue goes to N2N. (eg: cash to purchase items to restock the shelves).
  2. Artists in residence ( Stables to be made into studios or lofts) Think Pierre Berton House in Yukon 3 to – 6 month residencies , maybe 12 months.
  3. Dundas Valley School of Art : satellite campus or use of the grounds. (See Riverwood in Mississauga)
  4. Chamber Music Series: Series of Concerts in the large room of Auchmar ( monthly, 7 months of the year) Open to the public (Donation of $15 -$20 per individual, $25 per couple).
  5. Small conference venue: Meetings and seminar: Note : Catering service to be subcontracted.
  6. Wedding Photography : Outdoors & Estate grounds: (Permits required – revenue generated)
  7. Claremont Community Hub (which entails that the Manor House be open)
  8. Community or Victory Gardens (located adjacent to the Dovecote.)
  9. R.C.A.F. “Memorial” something which introduces & educates the public about the role of Auchmar during World War 2.
  10. R.H.L.I. A nod to them, Buchanan and the 13th Battalion (one room set aside) rental arrangement?
  11. Weekly tour of Auchmar and the Grounds: Includes site map, self guided audio tour of all the rooms with additional stories and images (See Casa Loma). Generates revenue. Ask $15- $20 per person.
  12. Auchmar Conservancy (occupies space at Auchmar, non profit entity, stewardship role) Note: details in separate letter. For reference See: Riverwood Conservancy.
  13. Buchanan Family and Young Family Exhibit of Possessions.
  14. A rotating or time limited display of possessions which belonged to the families. Open to the public. Ask that the public make a “donation of $5-$10 . Suggested length of exhibit 4-8 weeks. Note: provenance of items to be verified ( This involves the public first hand because the items are out there) (Also, raises profile of Auchmar).
  15. Offices for Historical Societies (details to be determined).
  16. “Serenades by the Stonewall” A summer concert series. 3months (June – August) Saturday or Sunday. Public is invited to bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic supper. During intermission, a collection will be taken. Suggested donation $5-$10 per individual. $15-$20 per family. Proceeds are divided equally between performers and the Auchmar Challenge.
  17. Theatre on the Green (same idea as Dusk Dances this summer July 31- Aug 3)
  18. Tea under the Tent ( Sunday afternoon tea once a month during June, July August). “Dress to the nines” if you desire in your best Victorian, Edwardian or Roaring 20s.
  19. Emancipation Day Picnic.
  20. The Buchanan Dinner ( Christmas on the Mountain) to be held at Auchmar. Catered. Cost to be determined Percentage of proceeds to Auchmar Challenge. Pair up with a charity to host the event. Part of the ticket cost is a charitable donation to the charity.
  21. The Gate House: Move it onto Auchmar somehow. Crowd source funding to purchase?
  22. Micro Brewery. Heritage ales and pints as well as well as craft beers. (See Black Creek Pioneer Village).
  23. Drink with Dickens: A themed special event. Focus is on the writings of Dickens and his travels in Canada. Seasonal and local foods. Spirits from Small Batch Distillers.
  24. The Buchanan Heritage Walk Series: An heritage series of walks which incorporates all places where Isaac had business interests and property. Tie in stories about his contemporaries, railways, Toronto etc. $10 per person.
  25. Stuff the Bus at Auchmar for N2N.
  26. Venue for Lecture Series.
  27. Genealogy Resource Centre or Archive.
  28. Film Shoots (Exterior of Manor House , buildings, and Estate Grounds)
  29. Stories of Auchmar: A series of Vignettes covering the decades of Auchmar. (Eg: Classic Cars at the Mansion during the Young Era) (eg: Sir John, Sir Allan, Sir Isaac, the Grits and Tories)
  30. Themed Evenings or Afternoons: Open to the public for a donation or ticketed events To be determined. The life of the community and world events through the Auchmar years. (eg: Dr. Alfred Payne, Charles Meville Hays, and the young porter from Port Ryerse: all who went down with the Titanic. An evening with Oscar Wilde, Jules Verne, H.G.Wells, and George Bernard Shaw. News from the front – Letters home from Ypres, the Somme and Passchendaele.
  31. A. V.Young and Thomas McQueston: Conversations.
  32. Heritage Gardens: (demolish the 1960’s dormitory addition) work with horticulturists and staff of Dundurn to create a heritage garden reflective of three eras Buchanan, Young, the Sisters of Service. Mount an appeal to the public for financial assistance in recreating these gardens. Recognition of their contribution (donation) to be a plaque (eg: heritage rose gardens courtesy of ____). Note: See Dundurn Castle.
  33. Sunset Symphony: Boris Brott Youth Ensemble (one evening per month July August) open to the public. Cost $15-$20. Auchmar to be open for tours (6-10 pm) during evening of the performance.
  34. Auchmar Silent Auction: (we know how these work) Flesh out the concept and details. Decide who benefits. Open to the public.
  35. Sisters of Service Exhibit: a time limited exhibit of artifacts, possessions, furnishings. (provenance to be verified) Suggest 4- 8 weeks. Same concept and price as the Buchanan and Young Exhibits.
  36. “Auchmar: From orchard to table. Small concept. Create preserves, jams, chutneys and cider from the orchards and gardens of Auchmar. To be available with the Harvest Dinner. Get them to the Food Trucks or the small entrepreneurs and coffee shops on Upper James or Locke St.
  37. Doors Open Hamilton: Ensure that Auchmar becomes the “must see” or “signature” site of the two day event. Get the city to display the archeological findings and discovery. (Note: See Ruthven).
  38. Auchmar Gala: the Candlelight Ball.(it’s a fundraiser)
  39. Auchmar Legacy Giving: Open to the public. For those who are interested in ensuring Auchmar remains a multi use, community venue, continued public use, the continued restoration, etc. Assist F.O.A., the Auchmar Challenge, and the City of Hamilton, to do this through donations and gifts from estates and trusts.

Speak Up to Suspend the Auchmar Estate Sale!

Update on Today’s first Round Table Meeting held earlier today at City Hall to discuss the city’s proposed sale of the Auchmar Estate…

URGENT: As requested by the citizens at the first Auchmar Round Table Meeting held on June 16th hosted by Councillor Terry Whitehead — If you care about the future of the Auchmar Estate then please email your councillor and send the following message loud and clear:


Councillor Email Addresses

mayor@hamilton.ca – Mayor Fred Eisenberger

terry.whitehead@hamilton.ca – Auchmar ward councillor



Scott.Duvall@hamilton.ca – his ward is next to Auchmar


Lloyd.Ferguson@hamilton.ca – Ancaster

Matthew.Green@hamilton.ca – new on council

Chad.Collins@hamilton.ca –

Sam.Merulla@hamilton.ca –

Jason.Farr@hamilton.ca – councillor of the downtown core

Arlene.VanderBeek@hamilton.ca – new councillor in Dundas
